Pay isn't great and working conditions aren't much better, but a career in video game development and design is a dream for many students.
Strong candidates in the field will have experience working on time-intensive projects and won't mind a lot of the debugging and gruntwork that goes on behind the scenes.
Carnegie Mellon University: Game Design (minor)
Case Western Reserve University: Computer Gaming (minor)
Drexel University: Game Design and Production
George Mason University: Computer Game Design
Northeastern University: Computer Science/Game Development and Game Art and Animation
University of Central Florida: Games and Interactive Media and Emerging Media
University of Colorado, Boulder: Creative Technology and Design
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute: Games and Simulation Arts and Sciences
College for Creative Studies: Game Design
Rhode Island School of Design: Film, Animation, and Video
School of Visual Arts: Computer Art, Computer Animation and Visual Effects
University of Connecticut: Digital Media & Design
California Polytechnic State University ("Cal Poly"): Computer Science major with a concentration in game development
University of California, Santa Cruz: Computer Science: Computer Game Design
University of California, Irvine: Game Design and Interactive Media
University of Washington: Computer Graphics, Vision, AR/VR, Animation, and Game Science
A version of this article originally appeared in the College Spotlight newsletter. Subscribe to read more articles like this one.
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